The implications of new and existing anti-discrimination laws, including the Equality Act 2010, is an area in which we offer our expertise.
We act for individuals, charities, campaigning groups and corporates, providing sensible, strategic guidance and representation in an area of the law that is fast moving and dynamic.
Types of disputes where we can help you
In addition to specific Employment Law related issues that we assist employers and employees with, be it in the field of Sport, Business, Charites, Education or beyond, we can assist you negotiate the complexities and consequences of discrimination, victimisation or harassment on the grounds of:
- Race
- Age
- Gender
- Pregnancy
- Sexual orientation
- Religion
- Belief
- Disability
When to contact us
We recommend clients get in touch at the early stages of any dispute. In this area of law strict deadlines are applied for the bringing of a grievance to court. Getting advice early removes the risk of missing out on a remedy and, for example, can allow for more informed decisions to be made as to whether action should be taken by Judicial Review or in the Sheriff Court under the Equality Act. Experience also shows that early intervention can help resolve matters, through proactive dialogue or, in some cases, mediation.
Where there is the potential for a dispute, we advise getting in touch to discuss the options available to you at the earliest opportunity.
Meet the team

Brent Haywood
Title: Partner, Solicitor Advocate
Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Location: Edinburgh