Arbitration is an effective method of resolving disputes, whereby both parties agree to determination being made in a private tribunal instead of by the courts.
It has long been used as a method for resolving both domestic and international disputes, although it should be noted that the courts' ability to interfere in an arbitration process varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Our lawyers can advise whether this may affect your own dispute.
The benefits of arbitration in Scotland
Scotland offers a cost-effective forum for arbitration and is an excellent neutral location much like Switzerland.
The process of arbitration is underpinned by the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010, which presents a modern flexible framework for arbitration and seeks to adopt best practice from around the globe.
When opting for arbitration in Scotland to resolve a dispute, parties have freedom to choose their arbitrator(s), and benefit from a procedure that should be faster and more flexible than court, and also addresses concerns relating to privacy.
In addition, Scotland's close-knit legal community means that experienced dispute resolution lawyers can operate in a competent and efficient manner to achieve speedy determination without the level of costs applicable in other centres.
The arbitrators available for appointment in Scotland include distinguished lawyers such as Sir David Edward, former ECJ judge, and Lord Hope, former Deputy President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
The Scottish Arbitration Centre, supported by the Scottish Government, offers both a centrally located venue for arbitration, mediation or other hearings and an arbitral appointments committee.
A comprehensive guide to Arbitration in Scotland is available here.
Meet the team

John Bett
Title: Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Location: Glasgow

Brent Haywood
Title: Partner, Solicitor Advocate
Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Location: Edinburgh

Brian Pollock
Title: Senior Associate
Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Location: Glasgow

Gregor MacEwan
Title: Senior Associate
Department: Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Location: Edinburgh