Private Client
01382 317027
Seabraes House 18 Greenmarket Dundee DD1 4QB
Pauline is an Accredited Paralegal in our Private Client team based in our Dundee office.
Pauline has over 8 years’ working experience assisting clients with their Wills, Powers of Attorney, and other private client matters.
Pauline gained her Paralegal Qualification through CLT Scotland in association with the University of Strathclyde in 2018. She also gained accreditation from the Law Society of Scotland in 2020.
We are delighted to welcome Lauren Beachamp to our Edinburgh Private Client team as a Solicitor.
Shiona Wylie explores the validity of DIY Wills under Scottish law and the potential pitfalls they may present
Caitlin Connolly highlights the importance of a Power of Attorney to avoid costly court battles, as seen in a recent Scottish court case
A PoA should be put in place sooner rather than later - it’s time to change the perception that they are only for the elderly
Yes, if you want the people you hope and expect to inherit from your estate to receive the assets you wish them to have
Recovering debt is an essential part of running any successful business - here are answers to some common questions which shouldn’t prevent you from taking action