Michael Yellowlees

Partner, Head of Rural - Land & Business

Rural - Land & Business


0131 656 5669


Caledonian Exchange 19A Canning Street Edinburgh EH3 8HE

Law Society of Scotland accredited specialist in Agricultural Law

Michael Yellowlees

About Michael

Michael is a Partner in our Rural - Land & Business team. He specialises in rural property law, including buying, selling and leasing all types of rural property, with particular expertise in the acquisition and disposal of high value farms and estates. In addition, he provides clients with specialised advice in relation to agricultural law, crofting law, feudal dignities, heraldry, mineral rights, renewable energy projects, servitudes and sporting rights. 

Michael’s clients include a significant number of large landed estates, such as the Argyll, Lochiel, Strathconon, and Murthly Estates, as well as numerous private individuals and corporate bodies with rural interests throughout Scotland. He also heavily involved in renewable energy acting for developers and landowners in relation to various wind farm, hydro and biomass projects across Scotland.

Michael has a doctorate in Scottish History, which complements his professional interest in Scots property law. Michael is a member of the Crofting Law Group, the Scottish Renewables Forum and is a Director of the Scottish Barony Register. 



  • Advising on all types of renewable energy projects including wind, hydro, solar and biomass.
  • Advising a wide range of not-for-profit clients on all aspects of their rural property interests, such as the University of Edinburgh, Rosslyn Chapel Trust, Its Good to Give and The Heather Trust.
  • He also acts for ‘island clients’ on Colonsay, Islay, Lismore, Mull Tiree, Berneray, South Uist, Harris, Lewis, Orkney and Shetland.
  • The leading practitioner in the sale and purchase of Feudal Dignities, including Baronies, Lordships and Earldoms and heavily involved in matters relating to heraldry and clan law.

"The head of the firm's rural services team Michael Yellowlees has a significant practice in rural property transactions. Yellowlees is described as "steady, responsive and proactive, with an excellent command of the legal landscape.""

Chambers UK: A Client's guide to the UK legal profession

"Michael Yellowlees is Scotland’s top practitioner in Barony purchases and sales."

The Legal 500 UK

More of the team

Leanne Gordon

Leanne Gordon

Title: Partner

Location: Edinburgh

Andrew Duff

Andrew Duff

Title: Director

Location: Edinburgh

Laura McKinnon

Laura McKinnon

Title: Director

Location: Edinburgh

Sharon Drysdale

Sharon Drysdale

Title: Director

Location: Edinburgh

Eilidh Robertson

Eilidh Robertson

Title: Senior Associate

Location: Edinburgh

Lewis Crofts

Lewis Crofts

Title: Senior Associate

Location: Edinburgh

Anna McLaggan

Anna McLaggan

Title: Associate

Location: Edinburgh