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News 14 June 2024

The OSCR rule change that your charity needs to be aware of

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New rules are in place which set out when - and how - Scottish charities should notify the regulator of an incident of concern

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News 11 June 2024

Charities fundraising code – ensuring high standards are maintained

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At our recent seminar for the third sector, we updated on progress of the charities fundraising code, along with changes surrounding governance and employment

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News 7 June 2024

Labour's employment proposals could mean big changes for charities

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What should your charity be thinking about now to prepare for the significant changes that could be introduced by Labour if they win the General Election next month

Read article about Labour's employment proposals could mean big changes for charities

Insights 6 June 2024

Volunteering can help make Scotland's economy stronger

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Ian Beattie MBE explains why he believes workplaces could become stronger, more successful and happier if greater numbers of employers encouraged volunteering

Read article about Volunteering can help make Scotland's economy stronger

News 5 June 2024

Edinburgh’s Kings Manor Hotel sale highlights strong investor interest

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Corporate Director, Alastair Smith, who was part of the Lindsays team advising on the off-market hotel sale, believes it reflects market demand in the sector

Read article about Edinburgh’s Kings Manor Hotel sale highlights strong investor interest

Insights 4 June 2024

Volunteers: Your community needs you

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Whatever your passion, volunteering as a charity trustee is a great way to follow your interests and perhaps boost your CV

Read article about Volunteers: Your community needs you

Insights 3 June 2024

What might Labour’s New Deal for Working People mean for businesses

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Sean McEntee, a solicitor in our Employment Law team highlights some of the most significant changes, and how businesses should prepare for them

Read article about What might Labour’s New Deal for Working People mean for businesses

News 30 May 2024

Scotland's Land Reform Bill: Stay alert to the effects on agriculture

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Landowners, farmers and crofters face increasing responsibility to engage with local community, tackle climate change and manage tenancies

Read article about Scotland's Land Reform Bill: Stay alert to the effects on agriculture