Insights 25 September 2013

Helping a charity do things differently

We’re proud to have helped Social Bite with its governance model and its work to alleviate homelessness

Read article about Helping a charity do things differently

Insights 25 September 2013

How a mapmaker found the right way to the exit

Employee ownership is a useful exit strategy, as well as a good way to boost performance

Read article about How a mapmaker found the right way to the exit

Insights 25 September 2013

Courts call for common sense from separating parents

When parents are making arrangements for children after separation or divorce, the legal system expects certain levels of behaviour from them. It’s advice worth heeding

Read article about Courts call for common sense from separating parents

Insights 25 September 2013

One day all this will be yours

Or will it? Handing a farm on to the next generation can be fraught with difficulties. But that is no excuse for burying your head in the sand (or soil)

Read article about One day all this will be yours

Insights 25 September 2013

Running is a sport for everyone

We interviewed Olympian Eilish McColgan about her career in athletics, what she loves about it and what sport can teach the rest of us.

Read article about Running is a sport for everyone

Insights 24 September 2013

Third Party Harassment Law to be repealed

As of the 1st October 2013 employers will no longer be liable for third party harassment, our employment law team explain the changes

Read article about Third Party Harassment Law to be repealed

Insights 23 September 2013

Employers need to talk about the menopause

Otherwise, you could fail in your obligations as an employer or lose key staff

Read article about Employers need to talk about the menopause

Insights 23 September 2013

Simple steps for easing your journey through life

A few legal precautions can make it easier (and cheaper) to navigate the twists and turns of relationships and family life

Read article about Simple steps for easing your journey through life

Insights 23 September 2013

Inheritance tracks

Passing on your favourite music (and other digital assets) to your loved ones may not be as easy as you think

Read article about Inheritance tracks

Insights 23 September 2013

Using your home to reduce IHT

The Residence Nil-Rate Band (RNRB) went up in April 2019, and will do so again in April 2020. This could give a valuable boost to your inheritance tax planning

Read article about Using your home to reduce IHT

Insights 23 September 2013

What to do about ‘the UK’s most hated tax’?

Inheritance tax (IHT) is criticised for being outdated and unfair, and even the UK Government wants to make it ’simpler, fairer and better’. What can you do to manage it?

Read article about What to do about ‘the UK’s most hated tax’?

Insights 23 September 2013

When airlines give you a bumpy ride

If you or a relative suffer an in-flight accident, you may be able to claim compensation

Read article about When airlines give you a bumpy ride