News 18 December 2013

Planning an escape to the country?

Buying rural property in Scotland can take first time buyers and urban homeowners into unfamiliar territory – including issues from private water supplies to unadopted roads

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Insights 18 December 2013

Life lessons from the track

The training programme of Olympic athlete Eilish McColgan has some useful lessons for all of us

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Insights 12 December 2013

McCririck falls at age discrimination hurdle

A diverse age range in the workforce can have many positive benefits for employers but it also creates potential age discrimination claims if an emplo...

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Insights 27 November 2013

The benefits of an early divorce settlement

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding divorce is that using a lawyer drags the process out and incurs more fees. The reality is, in most ...

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Insights 22 November 2013

Disputes regarding paternity: Who’s the daddy?

We often see stories in the news about celebrities questioning the paternity of their children. However, many couples find themselves in this situatio...

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Insights 18 November 2013

Dental practice ownership:  should you start your own practice?

Our healthcare team have worked with a number of dental associates recently who have reached that crucial stage in their careers where they have had t...

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Lindsays' Life 1 November 2013

Lindsays Life - Issue 6

Welcome to the sixth issue of Lindsays life, where we look at a range of topics from the perils of timeshare through to alternative ways to resolve di...

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Insights 1 November 2013

Who can accompany workers to grievance meetings?

Ben Doherty, Head of Employment, looks at the changes to an employee’s right to be accompanied at grievance and disciplinary hearings following the ca...

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Insights 1 November 2013

Charity law needs to be in perfect working order

We all benefit if charities are well run. The sector could see significant change following the Scottish Government's new proposals on how charities are regulated

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Insights 23 October 2013

Does my child get to decide who he/she stays with?

The family law team are often asked, when providing advice about disputes regarding children, whether or not the child’s view is taken into account.

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News 12 October 2013

How charity leaders can manage increased sickness absences

Managing sickness absence has always posed challenges for third sector organisations and there are measures employers can adopt to help mitigate the impact

Read article about How charity leaders can manage increased sickness absences

Insights 25 September 2013

Buying property? Follow these 10 easy tips

Buying a new home is exciting but also daunting – whether you’re a first-time buyer or have done it before. It’s easier to make the right move if you ...

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