News 25 May 2014

Dusting off the running shoes: a celebration

What were you doing on 26 February this year? You may not remember, but here at Lindsays we certainly do.

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News 25 May 2014

Update from Eilish McColgan

Our sponsored athlete Eilish McColgan describes her rollercoaster start to 2022 and her return to form post-Covid infection.

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News 25 May 2014

PI to post: pitfalls of social media

In personal injury cases, insurers may look with interest at your social media content. Don’t let your Facebook or TikTok habits undermine a claim.

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News 25 May 2014

News from lindsays

In order to provide the best service to clients, we make sure we have the best people with us across the firm. Following our latest internal promotion...

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News 24 May 2014

Could your digital skills help a charity?

From local groups to national organisations, the third sector needs trustees with digital knowledge.

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Insights 23 May 2014

Dementia care: improving quality of life

It is Dementia Awareness Week and we highlights some of the resources available that can make an enormous difference to those with dementia.

Read article about Dementia care: improving quality of life

Insights 20 May 2014

The child friendly divorce: guidance for parents

The main object for most divorcing parents is to cause as little stress and upset as possible to their children. Here, we provide some guidelines for parents.

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Insights 7 May 2014

What to do when a civil partnership ends

The ending of a civil partnership brings forth the same issues as the ending of a marriage. Here, Nina taylor looks at the options available to couples wishing to separate.

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Insights 25 April 2014

The Legacy of Miss Dickson

The recent case of a primary school teacher who left more than £1m to charity illustrates the importance of putting a Will in place and the opportunit...

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Insights 7 April 2014

Protection from Forced Marriage in Scotland

Human Trafficking, FGM, Forced Marriage… these things don’t happen in our country, or do they?

Read article about Protection from Forced Marriage in Scotland

Insights 20 February 2014

The importance of having a Will

The BBC recently reported (February 2014) that Nelson Mandela left an estate worth £2.5million (46 million rand) and a 40 page Will. It is important t...

Read article about The importance of having a Will

Insights 6 February 2014

Scotland says “I do”

Scotland has again led the way in progressive legislation with the passing of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill. This landmark legisl...

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