Insights 23 November 2014

Obligation for property owners to submit details to the RCI

Land and property owners and tenants are obliged to provide information to the Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land (RCI) by the by 31 March 2023

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Insights 12 November 2014

Mobile devices at work – how to manage the risks

The increase in remote and flexible working and associated increased use of mobile devices at work make it important for employers to understand the r...

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Insights 11 November 2014

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Review: Banks targeted SMEs with “swap” mis-selling

Prior to the recession, many SMEs and individuals were encouraged to purchase complex products, sold as “protecting” them from increasing interest rat...

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Insights 11 November 2014

What is a trade mark anyway?

The case of Getty Images v OHIM in relation to trade mark registration

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Insights 11 November 2014

“For the times they are a-changin”

Proposed reforms to contract drafting by the Scottish Law Commission

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Insights 6 November 2014

EAT ruling confirms employers must include overtime in holiday pay

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has now given its long-awaited judgment confirming that overtime is part of normal pay and must be reflected in payments for holiday.

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Insights 29 October 2014

Employers can avoid punitive damages by correctly identifying deductions on payslips

Employers must accurately itemise salary deductions due to them to avoid the risk of punitive damages, even though the employer is entitled to make th...

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Insights 25 September 2014

Employee succeeds with constructive unfair dismissal claim when in breach of contract

The EAT found in favour of an employee, who was in material breach of their employment contract, resign and claim constructive unfair dismissal due to...

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Insights 12 September 2014

Change of location – not always a substantial change in employees’ working conditions

The EAT confirmed that a change of location is not always a substantial change in working conditions to an employee’s detriment in a recent case regar...

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Insights 29 August 2014

Landlords to share responsibility for checking illegal migrants UK status

The Immigration Act 2014 could make landlords legally responsible for checking the immigration status of any new adult tenants. Neglecting to perform...

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Insights 22 August 2014

Surrogacy and the facts of life

It may still be rarer than adoption, but more people encountering difficulties in conceiving or giving birth naturally are choosing to use surrogates ...

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Insights 18 August 2014

Does your lease stand its ground?

A recent case reinforces the importance of ensuring that leases are carefully drafted. A landlord was denied his order for recovery of possession bef...

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