Insights 21 April 2015

Employer not found liable for stress in the workplace

The High Court found that an employer was not liable for psychiatric illness caused to an employee by workplace stress.

Read article about Employer not found liable for stress in the workplace

News 16 April 2015

An experience of Lindsays life in the 1920s

We are delighted to announce that a timeline of our history can be found in the About Us section of our website and here are some memories shared by M...

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News 15 April 2015

Eilish’s pre-race preparations and routines for major championships

Eilish offers insight into her preparation in the run up to major championship races and competitions.

Read article about Eilish’s pre-race preparations and routines for major championships

Insights 7 April 2015

Lindsays Corporate team assists with COM DEV’s UK space ambitions

Lindsays Corporate and Technology team have recently (April 2015) assisted COM DEV International Limited in its acquisition of Newbridge based MESL Mi...

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News 2 April 2015

Congratulations to our newly promoted lawyers

We are thrilled to announce a number of promotions across six areas of our business.

Read article about Congratulations to our newly promoted lawyers

News 1 April 2015

Our Corporate team grows with a new Partner appointment

Douglas Roberts joins Lindsays as a Partner in the Corporate team based in Edinburgh.

Read article about Our Corporate team grows with a new Partner appointment

News 26 March 2015

Lindsays volunteers hit Edinburgh’s West End for the Great Daffodil Appeal

Six members of Lindsays staff volunteer for Marie Curie's Great Daffodil Appeal in Edinburgh's West End as part of Lindsays charity initiative.

Read article about Lindsays volunteers hit Edinburgh’s West End for the Great Daffodil Appeal

News 24 March 2015

Lindsays volunteer joins Social Bite team as they launch supper evenings

Lindsays 200 is a project for our bicentenary year where our target is for staff and partners to invest at least 200 hours supporting charities and local community projects.

Read article about Lindsays volunteer joins Social Bite team as they launch supper evenings

News 23 March 2015

Andrew Diamond appointed to ESPC Board

We are delighted to announce that Andrew Diamond, Partner and Head of Residential Property at Lindsays has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director on the ESPC Board.

Read article about Andrew Diamond appointed to ESPC Board

Insights 20 March 2015

March is the true 'divorce month'

March could supersede the first Monday in January as being peak time for divorce. This could well be the case because although people might make sign...

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News 18 March 2015

Dealing with the mental and physical challenge of an injury

Injuries are part and parcel of every sport. They have a horrible way of putting a stop to your plans. However, they also give you time to evaluate wh...

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News 16 March 2015

200 years (and 200 hours) of supporting local communities

A major project for our bicentenary year is Lindsays 200. We have set a target for Lindsays staff and partners to invest at least 200 hours in support...

Read article about 200 years (and 200 hours) of supporting local communities