News 25 April 2016

A good first decade for Dundee’s OSCR

In the UK press, positive coverage of charities has been scarce recently. But north of the border, the story is brighter, and one reason for that can ...

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News 18 April 2016

Managing a dominant individual is important for charity boards

Letting one individual – whether CEO, chair or trustee – become too influential can threaten charities’ activities, or even existence. What can charit...

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Insights 11 April 2016

What are the rules for gift giving and IHT?

Following recent revelations about the Prime Minister’s personal tax affairs and criticism that a financial gift from his mother amounts to tax avoida...

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News 11 April 2016

Mental Welfare Commission calls for a major reform of the Adult’s with Incapacity Act

It is widely acknowledged that The Adult’s with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 is in need of updating to improve the 16 year old system which is now s...

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Insights 7 April 2016

How can the law protect someone facing domestic violence?

Domestic violence situations such as the current storyline in The Archers are all too common but support and protection are available, advises Jennife...

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News 6 April 2016

Realising her Olympic ambitions are still the highest priority for Eilish

Eilish kicks off her summer season with a respectable top ten finish at the ‘Quickest 5k In The World’ at Carlsbad in San Diego, California. However, ...

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News 5 April 2016

Latest promotions emphasise our continuing growth

We are delighted to announce three partner promotions - Nina Taylor (Family Law), Kate Wyatt (Employment Law) and Sandy Lamb (Private client), taking...

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Insights 4 April 2016

Business, marriage and the perils of unintended consequences

If you have a family firm, your business and matrimonial arrangements may be more entwined than you think. Some business decisions may need to be checked by a family lawyer

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News 1 April 2016

Is your business ready for the new National Living Wage?

As of today (1 April 2016) the mandatory National Living Wage takes effect in the UK. It is set at £7.20 an hour for workers aged 25 and above, 50p hi...

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Insights 29 March 2016

Guardianships – for who, when and how?

In 2015 there were over 9,300 welfare guardians in Scotland and the number of applications is increasing every year. What does guardianship mean and when are they needed?

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News 25 March 2016

Delighted with double success at legal awards

The prestigious awards presentation to the winners of the Scott & Co Scottish Legal Awards brought success for our unique community volunteering initi...

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News 22 March 2016

What’s the advice for employers following the latest EAT decision on holiday pay?

The EAT in British Gas v Lock [2015] has confirmed that commission payments must be included when calculating holiday pay, with no amendment required ...

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