News 30 May 2016

Employers have to be careful of beliefs

There is an increasing potential for employers to fall foul of the discrimination legislation which protects “philosophical” beliefs held by staff.

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News 26 May 2016

Eilish McColgan presents the Lindsays Trophy to 2016 Scottish XC winners

Eilish McColgan took time out from her determined bid to qualify for a second Olympics to present the Lindsays Trophy for cross country participation ...

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Insights 25 May 2016

Charities should face current challenges together

In this difficult economic climate charity trustees should remember that help and advice are available.

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News 24 May 2016

Guidance to help employers avoid “dress code” discrimination

The recent high profile case widely covered in the media regarding dress code policy should be a prompt to employers that they ensure their policy is ...

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News 23 May 2016

Eilish is keeping her dream alive

It was always going to be a nerve-racking moment; toeing the start line of a completely new discipline, after a long spell out of the sport. But equal...

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News 13 May 2016

A new Director joins our Commercial Property team

The growth of our Commercial Property team continues with the appointment of Dawn Anderson who joins as a Director in our Edinburgh office

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Insights 12 May 2016

Bonds of Caution - another reason to have a Will?

A Bond of Caution (pronounced ‘kayshun’) is type of insurance policy which executors are required to submit to obtain Confirmation on most estates the...

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News 9 May 2016

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Peter Tweedie as Chairman

Peter Tweedie, corporate partner who joined the firm with the Shield & Kyd merger four years ago, has been elected chairman

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Insights 5 May 2016

Help your family by having the right papers in the right places

Sorting through piles of paperwork is an unwelcome task for Executors – either because they cannot find key documents, or because there are mountains ...

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Insights 3 May 2016

A governance health check could help protect your charity’s reputation

To maintain your charities reputation these days relies on trustees, chairs and chief executives being aware of the risks they face and ensuring the o...

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News 3 May 2016

Lindsays has cemented Dundee presence according to The Courier

The Courier today (Tuesday 3 May 2016) published an article describing our ongoing growth in Dundee following an interview by Andy Argo with Alasdair ...

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News 27 April 2016

Shared parental leave and pay to be extended to working grandparents

The government is proposing to extend the right to shared parental leave and pay to working grandparents which may add to the already complex requirem...

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