News 16 September 2016

Lynsey Kerr takes exceptional STEPs in her career

Congratulations to Lynsey Kerr, Associate in our Private Client team, who was the highest scoring graduate with her recent qualification of the Societ...

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Insights 8 September 2016

Employers be aware of the serial applicant

Recent instances of a serial applicant involving charities has highlighted the perils of staff recruitment and discrimination claims

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Insights 7 September 2016

Letting agents must advise when charging commission

In the recent action against London estate agents, Foxtons, the receipt of commission from contractors without fully obtained consent is described as ...

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News 1 September 2016

Rio boosts Eilish’s confidence

Eilish successfully qualified for the Women’s 5k Olympic Final in Rio, but this has only made her hungry for more and she now has her sights firmly se...

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Insights 24 August 2016

Employee dismissed for failure to wash hands - harsh but not unfair?

An employment tribunal recently found that it was fair to dismiss an employee who breached the employer’s hygiene rules by failing to wash his hands

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Insights 19 August 2016

Who will take care of the kids if the worst were to happen?

It’s the nightmare scenario – but it is important to consider who should stand in your shoes to care for your children should something happen to you and your partner

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Insights 18 August 2016

How quickly can I get a divorce?

Separating from a spouse can be extremely difficult and, for some, divorce is not something that they want to consider. Often, however, separated spou...

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News 11 August 2016

Lindsays continues to grow Commercial Property and Rural teams

Professional Support Director, Alison Mackay and Lewis Crofts, who joins as a solicitor, and are welcomed to our Rural Services and Commercial Property teams respectively

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Insights 28 July 2016

Ten urban myths of Family Law

Our family law team look at the most common misconceptions that exist regarding family law in Scotland, and explain the reality of each situation

Read article about Ten urban myths of Family Law

News 25 July 2016

21 days until Rio

In her last blog for us before she heads to the Olympic Games, Eilish reflects on the last few weeks of training and racing as she prepares to board the plane to Rio

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Insights 25 July 2016

Avoiding feuding families down on the farm

In today’s Scotsman (25/07/16), we examine how farming and families can be a challenging combination if the business structures don’t cater for the up...

Read article about Avoiding feuding families down on the farm

Insights 21 July 2016

Tougher rules to prevent employment of illegal workers

New rules regarding the employment of illegal workers have come in to force which place increased penalties on employers that breach their duties

Read article about Tougher rules to prevent employment of illegal workers