News 8 February 2018

The V&A effect? It’s all about the art of the deal

There’s a buzz of activity in Dundee ahead of the V&A opening in September 2018, but is the optimism reflected across the commercial property market?

Read article about The V&A effect? It’s all about the art of the deal

Insights 5 February 2018

Selling your property the modern way

Technology has opened up amazing possibilities when it comes to buying and selling houses

Read article about Selling your property the modern way

Insights 30 January 2018

Caveats – a simple, cost-effective way to protect your business

All businesses with interests in Scotland should consider lodging caveats as protection in the event of an action being raised against them

Read article about Caveats – a simple, cost-effective way to protect your business

Insights 25 January 2018

Going digital for legal advice may be costly

The internet can be great for researching aspects of law for families and individuals, but beware of advice that is not tailored to your personal circumstances

Read article about Going digital for legal advice may be costly

News 24 January 2018

Number of bankruptcy awards in Scotland falls

The latest AiB statistics for the last quarter of 2017 show a 4.2% fall in the number of bankruptcies in the same period the previous year

Read article about Number of bankruptcy awards in Scotland falls

News 23 January 2018

Landowners should be proactive on voluntary registration

Complacency about registering your land on Scotland’s new digital-based system could risk legal shocks or loss of land

Read article about Landowners should be proactive on voluntary registration

News 22 January 2018

We are delighted to welcome our new colleagues in Edinburgh

Our merger with well-established Edinburgh firm, Aitken Nairn WS takes effect today [22 January 2018]

Read article about We are delighted to welcome our new colleagues in Edinburgh

News 19 January 2018

A PB first time out of the starting blocks in 2018 boosts Eilish’s confidence

Eilish’s confidence grows after kicking-off 2018 with yet another PB over 10k in the Doha Marathon ahead of training camp in Kenya

Read article about A PB first time out of the starting blocks in 2018 boosts Eilish’s confidence

Insights 11 January 2018

GDPR - how can you ensure your marketing activity complies?

If your business engages in marketing activity the new data protection rules mean you should check your actions are compliant

Read article about GDPR - how can you ensure your marketing activity complies?

Insights 10 January 2018

Common mistakes made by employers when handling disciplinary hearings

When handling a disciplinary, there are some key steps an employer can take to minimise the risk of successful unfair dismissal claims by former employees

Read article about Common mistakes made by employers when handling disciplinary hearings

Insights 8 January 2018

Family lawyers are not just for January

If you are considering separation or divorce the sooner you contact a family lawyer the more informed you will be about the options available to you

Read article about Family lawyers are not just for January

News 27 December 2017

Advice should be sought regarding BPE transfer for new tenancy agreements

With many Limited Partnerships being terminated one complex issue facing tenants farmers and landlords involves the transfer of Basic Payment Entitlements

Read article about Advice should be sought regarding BPE transfer for new tenancy agreements