News 14 June 2018

Eilish gets back on track following recent misfortunes

Eilish’s self-assurance is returning after a challenging few months of not quite balancing on the fitness versus health tightrope that athletes constantly tread

Read article about Eilish gets back on track following recent misfortunes

Insights 8 June 2018

Social media and the workplace – is your policy up-to-date?

Ben Doherty highlights some of the risks employers face when dealing with social media in the workplace and the benefits having a robust policy in place

Read article about Social media and the workplace – is your policy up-to-date?

News 8 June 2018

 Congratulations to all our Tour de Forth 2018 cyclists

Our sportive participants faced mixed weather for the challenging route but all completed the 60 miles over the bridges and hills around the Forth

Read article about Congratulations to all our Tour de Forth 2018 cyclists

News 8 June 2018

Garscube Harriers scoop Lindsays Trophy in the National Cross Country Championships

We are delighted to announce the club with the most finishers over three National Championship XC events and the Lindsays Trophy winner is Garscube Harriers

Read article about Garscube Harriers scoop Lindsays Trophy in the National Cross Country Championships

News 7 June 2018

Notice requirements in a commercial lease are addressed by the Court of Session

A recent case clarifies the legal position where a notice is claimed to have been sent but not received or is sent to the intended recipient’s agent

Read article about Notice requirements in a commercial lease are addressed by the Court of Session

News 6 June 2018

Celebrating voluntary activity in Dundee

We are pleased to be sponsoring the award for Trustee/Board Member of the Year and the Dundee Volunteer Awards 2018

Read article about Celebrating voluntary activity in Dundee

Insights 31 May 2018

Five things not to forget when you move home

Moving home can often be a stressful time, and there are often things that slip through the net when you’ve settled into your new home which could be costly if forgotten about

Read article about Five things not to forget when you move home

Insights 28 May 2018

Take care drafting indemnity clauses to avoid misinterpretation

A recent case offers a reminder that the Courts will interpret contentious clauses in a contract in context of the whole agreement

Read article about Take care drafting indemnity clauses to avoid misinterpretation

News 23 May 2018

Jennifer Gallagher becomes the only triple-accredited Dundee family law Partner

The Child Law accreditation achieved by Jennifer Gallagher makes her the only Tayside lawyer accredited by the Law Society of Scotland in three specialist areas

Read article about Jennifer Gallagher becomes the only triple-accredited Dundee family law Partner

Insights 21 May 2018

Defining what should be included in the marital pot on divorce is not always straightforward

A recent case highlights the challenges of working out what is and isn’t matrimonial property when you live with your partner for a long time before marriage

Read article about Defining what should be included in the marital pot on divorce is not always straightforward

News 16 May 2018

Tour de Forth 2018: From cycling novices to enthusiasts – Team Lindsays is committed

In less than three weeks, Lindsays’ 20-strong team of cyclists will once again for charity take on the hills around the Tour de Forth 97.3km sportive route

Read article about Tour de Forth 2018: From cycling novices to enthusiasts – Team Lindsays is committed

News 16 May 2018

EMI options are back

The EU Commission has granted renewal of the state aid given to companies granting EMI options

Read article about EMI options are back