News 13 February 2019

Government proposals to extend legal protections for pregnant women and new mothers

The Government has published a consultation paper setting out proposals to extend the legal protection afforded to pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace

Read article about Government proposals to extend legal protections for pregnant women and new mothers

Insights 6 February 2019

Why talking now can ease uncertainty when you lose a loved one

Dealing with the death of a loved one is always difficult, but there are ways to make the practical aspects more straightforward.

Read article about Why talking now can ease uncertainty when you lose a loved one

News 29 January 2019

Cohabitees - whose house is it anyway?

If you are thinking about buying a house with your partner it’s worth ensuring your interest in the property is protected

Read article about Cohabitees - whose house is it anyway?

Insights 23 January 2019

Planning a send off to remember?

If you want an unusual funeral it's best to be clear about your preferences and specify in your will who you want to take charge of your funeral arrangements

Read article about Planning a send off to remember?

News 14 January 2019

Companies may need a policy on work emails and calls after hours

This article on employees' right to disconnect by Kate Wyatt from our Employment team featured in the Scotsman on Monday 14 January

Read article about Companies may need a policy on work emails and calls after hours

Insights 11 January 2019

Eilish is fired up and focussed on competing in Scotland and in her home from home in Doha

Being coached from a different continent does not mean Eilish is training ‘solo’ and she has high hopes for the European Championships and the Doha World Championships

Read article about Eilish is fired up and focussed on competing in Scotland and in her home from home in Doha

Insights 10 January 2019

When the Bank of Mum and Dad calls up

You may not think that helping relatives financially could cause a family split but clarity at the outset can avoid disputes down the line

Read article about When the Bank of Mum and Dad calls up

News 20 December 2018

When can a telecoms operator gain compulsory access to your site?

In the first case under the new rules governing telecoms operators, the tribunal grants survey access to an operator where permission was denied by the building owner

Read article about When can a telecoms operator gain compulsory access to your site?

Insights 20 December 2018

Do I have a right to see my grandchildren?

Grandparents of children in Scotland don’t have any automatic right to contact, however courts usually recognise that a continuing relationship is in ...

Read article about Do I have a right to see my grandchildren?

News 18 December 2018

The Supreme Court finds discharged debtor is entitled to retain PPI compensation

The Supreme Court’s judgment in connection with a dispute over whether a trust deed debtor can retain monies received post final distribution provides...

Read article about The Supreme Court finds discharged debtor is entitled to retain PPI compensation

News 18 December 2018

More registration on the horizon for the rural sector

Landowners, land agents and their lawyers need to be aware of the proposed new Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land

Read article about More registration on the horizon for the rural sector

Insights 17 December 2018

A kind gift may carry a hefty price tag

The Bank of Mum and Dad (and other kind relatives) is busy these days. But beware the inheritance tax implications of supporting the younger generation

Read article about A kind gift may carry a hefty price tag