News 18 February 2021

Scottish landlord ordered to pay wrongful termination order for the first time

The First-tier Tribunal’s first wrongful termination order provides a sharp warning to private residential landlords in Scotland who pursue eviction

Read article about Scottish landlord ordered to pay wrongful termination order for the first time

Insights 16 February 2021

Derelict land recommendations may be a sign of changing times

Land that has fallen into disuse is increasingly being seen by some policy makers as an opportunity to fuel a ‘green recovery’ or help Scotland meet i...

Read article about Derelict land recommendations may be a sign of changing times

Insights 28 January 2021

Landlord’s Hypothec – securing rent arrears in Scotland

If a commercial tenant becomes insolvent, landlords can exercise their right to a security for unpaid rent over movable property within the premises

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News 28 January 2021

Andrew Diamond appointed as Chairman of ESPC

Chair appointment for our Head of Residential Property who looks forward to leading ESPC as it continues to evolve and offer buyers, sellers and solic...

Read article about Andrew Diamond appointed as Chairman of ESPC

News 18 January 2021

Court decision on landmark business insurance case provides lifeline for many companies

The Supreme Court has granted the appeal in favour of the FCA and policyholders in the Covid-19 Business Interruption Insurance Test case

Read article about Court decision on landmark business insurance case provides lifeline for many companies

Insights 14 January 2021

Good reasons for the growing interest in forestry

A proactive approach to carbon-neutralising solutions reaps rewards for businesses, both in terms of investment opportunities and ever-increasing climate change regulations

Read article about Good reasons for the growing interest in forestry

News 8 January 2021

Court decision confirms disputed service charges were included in lease provisions

Commercial tenants recently failed to persuade the court that service charges had been demanded incorrectly via a deed of conditions rather than the lease provisions

Read article about Court decision confirms disputed service charges were included in lease provisions

News 4 January 2021

Positive property predictions for 2021 following £100m of residential sales

Strong prices are expected to continue as property transactions rise by half during the busiest four months on record

Read article about Positive property predictions for 2021 following £100m of residential sales

News 31 December 2020

DIY Wills risk needless stress and potential problems for your loved ones

Off-the-shelf online Will templates are at risk of being invalid in Scotland as a recent case highlights the legal pitfalls families can be exposed to

Read article about DIY Wills risk needless stress and potential problems for your loved ones

Insights 23 December 2020

Buyers can’t afford to underestimate value of expert advice to get best deals

Buying a home without proper advice has always been beset with potential pitfalls, not least the risk of paying the price if you get it wrong

Read article about Buyers can’t afford to underestimate value of expert advice to get best deals

Insights 14 December 2020

Parents should take advice before opening the Bank of Mum and Dad

Families are right to take advice rather than leaving their children with a hefty tax bill - simply by trying to help them.

Read article about Parents should take advice before opening the Bank of Mum and Dad

News 10 December 2020

Decisions made in the heat of the Covid-19 pandemic could fuel a rise in corporate disputes

Company directors should be braced for decisions they made in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic to be brought into question.

Read article about Decisions made in the heat of the Covid-19 pandemic could fuel a rise in corporate disputes