News 25 May 2014

Is your business paying enough?

Have your pay rates kept up to date with current requirements? And did you know there’s an extra bank holiday this year?

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News 25 May 2014

Property focus: the sellers’ market stays strong

Our regular round-up of the property market in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and Tayside.

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News 25 May 2014

Dusting off the running shoes: a celebration

What were you doing on 26 February this year? You may not remember, but here at Lindsays we certainly do.

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News 25 May 2014

Update from Eilish McColgan

Our sponsored athlete Eilish McColgan describes her rollercoaster start to 2022 and her return to form post-Covid infection.

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News 25 May 2014

PI to post: pitfalls of social media

In personal injury cases, insurers may look with interest at your social media content. Don’t let your Facebook or TikTok habits undermine a claim.

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News 25 May 2014

News from lindsays

In order to provide the best service to clients, we make sure we have the best people with us across the firm. Following our latest internal promotion...

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News 24 May 2014

Could your digital skills help a charity?

From local groups to national organisations, the third sector needs trustees with digital knowledge.

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News 18 December 2013

Where Lindsays is today

We’ve come a long way since 1815. Some things have endured – our determination to be accessible, expert and reliable, for example.

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News 18 December 2013

Planning an escape to the country?

Buying rural property in Scotland can take first time buyers and urban homeowners into unfamiliar territory – including issues from private water supplies to unadopted roads

Read article about Planning an escape to the country?

News 12 October 2013

How charity leaders can manage increased sickness absences

Managing sickness absence has always posed challenges for third sector organisations and there are measures employers can adopt to help mitigate the impact

Read article about How charity leaders can manage increased sickness absences

News 19 June 2013

Eilish sets an end of term challenge for children and says, ‘Stay positive!’

Sponsored athlete, Eilish McColgan has recorded lockdown exit videos of exercises for schoolkids across the country

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News 13 March 2013

The Bank of Mum and Dad doesn’t close at 18

Parents’ financial obligations to their children do not necessarily end at age 18 or on the last day of school. It’s possible for children to claim fi...

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