News 8 February 2017

Announcing our partnership with Social Investment Scotland

We are delighted to support Social Investment Scotland in delivering their Investment Readiness workshops

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News 7 February 2017

Should you consider Voluntary Registration of your land?

Alison Mackay, Professional Support Director in Commercial Property explains why it’s worth applying to register any unregistered plot of land you own

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News 3 February 2017

Divorce by App: Scottish couples should be wary

A newly launched app which offers divorcing couples help to make a very difficult process easier should be used with caution, particularly in Scotland

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News 25 January 2017

Should charities ride the social enterprise wave?

Both charities and social enterprises have much to learn from each other, but the ride may not always be smooth

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News 20 January 2017

Clubs and charities must understand bigger picture in handling abuse claims

Brent Haywood warns that attempts to deal with claims quickly – however well-intentioned – can lead to serious legal or reputational consequences

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News 13 January 2017

The complexity of Land Registration of Agricultural Leases should not be underestimated

Michael Yellowlees, Partner in our Rural Services team, explains the complexities of Land Registration for tenants considering a lease of 20 years or more

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News 12 January 2017

Eilish goes from heat to height in a bid to build endurance

Eilish shares how a warm-weather festive season with family helped her training and her excitement about the next phase at high-altitude camp in Kenya

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News 9 December 2016

The uphill slog is worth the effort as Eilish’s training picks up pace

As Eilish McColgan heads into her winter training programme she tells us how positive she is feeling about her recent performances and shares her good...

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News 29 November 2016

The Golden Plover Award 2017 is now open for applicants

We are delighted to announce our continued support for the Golden Plover Award for Moorland Management 2017 which launches this week

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News 28 November 2016

Edinburgh’s buzzing over Chancellor’s City Deal commitment

The Chancellor’s announcement that the UK Government is committed to finalising the City Deal for Edinburgh was warmly welcomed by the city’s business...

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News 18 November 2016

The Scottish business event of the year

Leonardo DiCaprio was the keynote speaker, and one of a variety of high-profile celebrities at the Scottish Business Awards on 17 November 2016 where ...

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News 15 November 2016

Eilish doubles her distance and feels stronger than ever

As her training season kicks off, 5k athlete, Eilish jumped in at the deep end with a 10k race early into her schedule following her post-Olympic holiday

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