News 20 August 2018

We are delighted to welcome Corporate Partner, Ian Mitchell to Lindsays

We are pleased to welcome Ian Mitchell as he joins the Corporate team in Glasgow as a Partner

Read article about We are delighted to welcome Corporate Partner, Ian Mitchell to Lindsays

News 14 August 2018

Congratulations Eilish! A silver medal at the European Championships

Eilish McColgan’s hard work and determination win her silver for an outstanding 5000m performance in Berlin (Aug 2018)

Read article about Congratulations Eilish! A silver medal at the European Championships

News 8 August 2018

Can an employee on a zero-hours contract be suspended without pay?

A recent case clarifies employment rights of employees who work under zero hour working contracts

Read article about Can an employee on a zero-hours contract be suspended without pay?

News 30 July 2018

Sleepover case could save employers millions

The recent ruling may bring relief but there are no real winners, writes Ben Doherty, Partner and Head of Lindsays’ Employment team

Read article about Sleepover case could save employers millions

News 30 July 2018

Nordic Living by Biehl arrives in Edinburgh

Fiona Linklater, Director in our Commercial Property team assisted Scandinavian design company with its shop lease in Edinburgh

Read article about Nordic Living by Biehl arrives in Edinburgh

News 27 July 2018

Should voluntary overtime be included in holiday pay calculations?

Employers should be aware of the limits to employee working hours and overtime set out in the Working Time Regulations (WTR)

Read article about Should voluntary overtime be included in holiday pay calculations?

News 25 July 2018

Scottish Courts take a reasonable approach to implied time limits in commercial contracts

The case of William Burnside v Promontoria (Chestnut) Ltd highlights the court’s approach to the performance of obligations in contracts where express...

Read article about Scottish Courts take a reasonable approach to implied time limits in commercial contracts

News 25 July 2018

Owens v Owens, The Supreme Court and “no fault” divorce

Today’s Supreme Court decision (25 July 2018) highlights the need for reform of divorce law in England and Wales

Read article about Owens v Owens, The Supreme Court and “no fault” divorce

News 24 July 2018

Eilish reflects on the rocky road to her strong performance at Diamond League events

After a rocky start to the year, Eilish has battled her way back to full fitness and to the top of the UK rankings

Read article about Eilish reflects on the rocky road to her strong performance at Diamond League events

News 20 July 2018

New Edinburgh letting for IP specialist Marks & Clerk

Our commercial property team assisted intellectual property specialist Marks & Clerk with their office relocation

Read article about New Edinburgh letting for IP specialist Marks & Clerk

News 10 July 2018

High-street retailers and Company Voluntary Arrangements – how might it affect you?

Company Voluntary Arrangements have been in the news recently as many high-street retailers seek to restructure their business

Read article about High-street retailers and Company Voluntary Arrangements – how might it affect you?

News 28 June 2018

Supreme Court judgment opens the debate on marriage and civil partnerships

The Court found that the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (England and Wales) is discriminatory as it is only an option for same sex couples

Read article about Supreme Court judgment opens the debate on marriage and civil partnerships