News 12 August 2019

Cohabiting couples – the cost of separation

Nina Taylor discusses the importance of drawing up a cohabitation agreement and urges couples living together to consider what rights they have in the event of separation

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News 8 August 2019

What sub-letting rights can telecoms operators acquire?

A complicated case sees a remarkable court decision in favour of the telecoms operator which will have important implications for other sites

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News 5 August 2019

Easier to discuss now than dispute later - ADR helps resolve differences when divorcing

Alison McKee discusses why Alternative Dispute Resolution is increasingly becoming the preferred approach to resolving differences when couples decide to divorce

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News 29 July 2019

Increase in insolvencies reflects impact of current economic and political factors

Latest statistics show a 20% increase in personal insolvencies in 2018/19 compared to the previous year but not up to the level of previous peaks

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News 29 July 2019

Postnups - conversations of consequence

Alison McKee, Partner and Head of our Family Law team, highlights how the significant rise seen in postnups reflects the trend towards financial indep...

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News 26 July 2019

A warm welcome to our new Associate in Glasgow’s Private Client team

Stacey McIntyre’s appointment enhances our services for individuals in relation to drafting Wills, Powers of Attorney and Executry and Guardianship administration

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News 10 July 2019

Employers are advised to support staff with menopause or face claims

Kate Wyatt, Partner in our Employment team spoke to Helen Puttick, Scottish Health Correspondent at the Times with advice for employers on how to get ...

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News 1 July 2019

Andrew Duff has been promoted to Director in our Rural services team

Congratulations to Andrew Duff in our Rural services team in Edinburgh who has been promoted to Director

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News 1 July 2019

Promoting physical activity helps mental health and is good business

Our Chief Operating Officer, Ian Beattie, explains why he believes businesses could benefit from promoting physical activity to positively impact employees’ mental health

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News 20 June 2019

Landowners advised to take advice regarding mobile telecoms leases under the new Code

While the new Telecoms Code has generally been more favourable for telecoms companies than landowners, recent English case law has gone some way to redress the balance

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News 18 June 2019

Year two of the GDPR marks the end of basic compliance

We warn Scottish SMEs that lack of knowledge of GDPR could pose risks now that more stringent enforcement by the ICO is starting (here’s the Scotland ...

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News 6 June 2019

Eilish reflects on the essential support that has helped her become a professional athlete

Eilish McColgan highlights the importance of both the emotional and practical support on her path to professional athletics

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