Welcome to the ninth issue of Lindsays life.
This year is an exciting one for Lindsays as we celebrate our 200th anniversary as well as our most recent merger with RSB macdonald in Dundee.
Our merger with this highly-regarded Dundee firm extends our services to clients in Tayside, serving all their personal, family and business needs. You can read more about the merger on page 4.
In this edition we also mark our two centuries in business with a look at the vast changes to how we provide our services since the firm was established in 1815. However, much has endured too, not just the Lindsay name, but our focus on developing long-standing relationships, delivering results and having the right staff in the right places.
Eilish McColgan shares her frustrations due to recent set-backs in a candid and revealing piece about managing an injury and planning for the 2016 Rio Olympics.
We also examine how to deal with art or antiques in your Will, changes to child support, Powers of Attorney, and divorces involving farms. There’s advice on how flexible working could allow grandparents to help with childcare, and for anyone involved in running a sporting club, there are pointers on how to save on tax.
We have recently welcomed three new Partners, Jennifer Gallagher to our Family law team in Dundee; Douglas Roberts who joined our Corporate and Technology team; and John Lee to our Employment team, both in Edinburgh. There are a number of other new faces across the firm as you will see at the end of this issue of Lindsays life.