In 2018 we incorporated accessibility software from Recite Me to make our website easier to read for people who might generally miss out, whether as a result of a health condition, visual impairment, learning conditions such as dyslexia or English not being their first language.
Given that a large majority of legal services are often of a sensitive or personal nature, or are sought when facing a difficult issue, either business or family related, it’s important for clients to feel that Lindsays is approachable and accessible. That’s where Recite Me came in, providing their accessibility toolbar to our website.
The Recite Me software addresses a multitude of accessibility needs as the new functionality allows you to adjust the contrast settings, make the fonts larger, highlight sections of the text or screen, or have the content read out to you.
We are delighted to see that the online version of our latest issue of Lindsays Life was viewed using the Accessibility toolbar [by 6% of subscribers emailed the link / 11% of the people who opened the launch email]. This reinforces the importance of making it as easy as possible for everyone to access information that they want.
Websites are often the first experience that people have with companies which makes it increasingly important to focus on not just an eye-catching website, but one that allows them to find information in a way that’s easy for them.
Try it for yourself using the ACCESSIBILITY link in our website’s top menu banner.
To learn more about Recite Me, including how to book a free demo, visit