Insights 3 November 2021

Don’t let computer games drag you into a legal puzzle

Know someone who’s an up-and-coming video game creator? We’ve got some useful advice on how they can develop and protect their ideas

Read article about Don’t let computer games drag you into a legal puzzle

Insights 3 November 2021

Civil partnership or marriage? You’re now free to choose

Since our last issue of Lindsays Life, an important legal change has taken effect in Scotland, giving mixed-sex couples more choice over how to take their relationship forward

Read article about Civil partnership or marriage? You’re now free to choose

Insights 3 November 2021

Beyond the jargon: Wills and executries demystified

If you’ve ever thought of making a Will, you’ll immediately have found yourself mired in legal jargon. We clarify some of the key words and phrases

Read article about Beyond the jargon: Wills and executries demystified

Insights 3 November 2021

Could a Family Investment Company answer your inheritance needs?

There’s been a sharp rise in interest in Family Investment Companies (FICs) as a way to protect, grow and pass on assets

Read article about Could a Family Investment Company answer your inheritance needs?

Insights 3 November 2021

When seizing the day, don’t neglect the practicalities

Covid has rewritten the rules on how people plan their weddings. This has created a danger that they miss out on some basics, such as a prenup

Read article about When seizing the day, don’t neglect the practicalities

Insights 3 November 2021

Succession planning is one for today, not tomorrow

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,” said Benjamin Franklin. In other words, succession planning needs to be a higher priority for many...

Read article about Succession planning is one for today, not tomorrow

Insights 3 November 2021

Planning change is welcome news for the rural sector

Updates to permitted development rights will make it easier and quicker to erect or convert farm buildings

Read article about Planning change is welcome news for the rural sector

Insights 26 October 2021

Where there’s a Will, there’s no way: Widow left out of Mother-in-Law’s out-of-date Will

The law in England and Wales saw an ex-wife inherit under former Mother-in-Law’s Will but Scotland’s succession laws would have meant a different outcome for the family

Read article about Where there’s a Will, there’s no way: Widow left out of Mother-in-Law’s out-of-date Will

Insights 12 October 2021

Scotland’s climate change targets: what legal frameworks are in place?

Susan Law urges landowners and businesses to get to grips with the myriad of legal requirements and consents supporting net zero emissions target

Read article about Scotland’s climate change targets: what legal frameworks are in place?

Insights 6 October 2021

Can you remove an executor as named in a Will from office?

Samantha Miller discusses a case which considers the complexities of removing an executor when relationships breakdown

Read article about Can you remove an executor as named in a Will from office?

Insights 20 September 2021

Creating computer games: Be clear to ensure you’re not left with a legal puzzle

Completing the legalities needed for a computer game is best compared with trying to do a jigsaw: It’s impossible without all the pieces

Read article about Creating computer games: Be clear to ensure you’re not left with a legal puzzle

Insights 8 September 2021

Top tips for separated families agreeing childcare arrangements

Separating parents have a responsibility to their children to try to agree on arrangements that allow time with both of them and ensure their children’s safety and welfare

Read article about Top tips for separated families agreeing childcare arrangements