Insights 7 November 2012

The modern family

This week is National Adoption Week (w/c 5th November 2012). Our family law team takes a look at the changing face of the modern family.

Read article about The modern family

Insights 5 November 2012

Third party pressure to dismiss an employee?

It is accepted that pressure from a third party to dismiss an employee is a potentially fair reason for dismissal - however, employers must be cautious.

Read article about Third party pressure to dismiss an employee?

Insights 29 October 2012

Those who plan ahead will see the benefit

Changes to the rules on child benefit come into force from January 2013.

Read article about Those who plan ahead will see the benefit

Insights 4 September 2012

Do you need planning permission for a treehouse?

J K Rowling was recently granted planning permission to build a tree house within the grounds of her estate. Susan Law discussed this issue on the Fr...

Read article about Do you need planning permission for a treehouse?

Insights 20 August 2012

The enforceability of restrictive covenants

Can a non-solicitation clause be held to be enforceable despite not being limited to clients that the employee had been in contact with?

Read article about The enforceability of restrictive covenants

Insights 6 August 2012

The importance of keeping company books up to date

A recent decision in the case of Glencoe Developments Ltd v Sneddon is a warning for all companies.

Read article about The importance of keeping company books up to date

Insights 1 August 2012

Employers can no longer rely on ‘opt in’ for pension compliance

New laws coming into force in October 2012 mean that all employers must automatically enroll all qualifying employees into a pension scheme.

Read article about Employers can no longer rely on ‘opt in’ for pension compliance

Insights 17 July 2012

Could legal advice help you track down a family member?

Our family law team explains a recent case in which he helped a client in the search for the identity of her father.

Read article about Could legal advice help you track down a family member?

Insights 12 July 2012

Could you be entitled to ‘compensation for improvements’ on termination of an Agricultural Tenancy?

The rights available to a tenant on termination of an agricultural tenancy can include compensation for improvements made during the tenancy.

Read article about Could you be entitled to ‘compensation for improvements’ on termination of an Agricultural Tenancy?

Insights 21 June 2012

Tips for handling disputes with your neighbours

Our housing and letting team advises on your options if you are in a dispute with your neighbour.

Read article about Tips for handling disputes with your neighbours

Insights 25 April 2012

Cohabitation: time limits for claims

The incidence of cohabitation is growing.There is very little public knowledge of the claims that can be made, should you decide to separate. Are you ...

Read article about Cohabitation: time limits for claims

Insights 20 April 2012

How do you use your cookies?

New regulations regarding use of cookies on websites came into force last year. Website owners were given a one year grace period in which to comply.

Read article about How do you use your cookies?