Insights 12 March 2015

Pension changes give flexibility

The new pension rules which will take effect from 6 April 2015 represent a huge shake-up of UK pensions.

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Insights 11 March 2015

Could your ex have a claim on your cash years after divorce?

The ex -wife of a millionaire businessman has won a landmark Supreme Court case and has been allowed to claim financial support from him 18 years afte...

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Insights 10 March 2015

A gift for children on Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Day may be emotional for parents however, it could be stressful for the children of separated or divorced parents. Ideally contact arrangemen...

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Insights 6 March 2015

A new scene is set for charities in Scotland

The changing political environment in Scotland presents opportunities for charities as they may wish to consider whether their own legal structure and...

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Insights 4 March 2015

Landlords advised to comply with TDS regulations to avoid penalties

A court case illustrates the importance of complying with the time limits laid out in Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (the Regulat...

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Insights 26 February 2015

Employment tribunal fees are here to stay…for the moment

The High Court recently delivered its judgement in Unison’s latest challenge to the employment tribunal fee system and has been greeted with approval ...

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Insights 25 February 2015

A superb finale to the Lindsays Scottish Cross Country Season

This is first year that Lindsays has sponsored the Scottish Cross Country Season and we are delighted that the final event on Sunday 22 February 2015 ...

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Insights 25 February 2015

Facing the loss of someone close? The practicalities of organising the funeral

One of the necessary, if unwanted, tasks that generally falls to family or close friends when you lose someone close to you, is organising the funeral

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Insights 19 February 2015

Facing the loss of someone close? Let a solicitor help you

When you are coping with a bereavement, it can be daunting to tackle the ongoing bills, statements and correspondence, let alone the legal aspects of ...

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Insights 19 February 2015

Facing the loss of someone close? The practicalities of registering the death

Losing someone close is incredibly traumatic and dealing with the immediate aftermath of the death can be overwhelming. Although they may be furthest...

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Insights 18 February 2015

Jude Law plans to put his baby first and make the new-look family work

The birth of Jude Law’s baby is imminent and although he and his baby’s mother are no longer a couple they are committed to raising their child as is ...

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Insights 12 February 2015

Pre-nups offer peace of mind

Forgive the lack of romance so close to Valentine’s Day, but Pre-Nuptial Agreements are worth considering whatever the time of year as they provide re...

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