Insights 25 May 2015

Nature? No, it’s ‘natural capital’ now!

Natural capital - it’s changing the way that landowners, and the rest of us, will look at nature.

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Insights 25 May 2015

Bank of granny & grandad: a risky business

Giving a financial helping hand to grandchildren (or other relatives) can come with tax and care risks if you rush in without advice.

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Insights 25 May 2015

The taxman strikes back

Inheritance tax investigations and clawbacks are becoming more common, as more people become liable for this unpopular and complex tax. Beware!

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Insights 25 May 2015

Divorce in a cost of living crisis

Fears about rising bills have added further uncertainty and complexity to relationship breakdowns. But even when splitting up, couples can come together to contain costs.

Read article about Divorce in a cost of living crisis

Insights 22 May 2015

Employers - How to…conduct a fair recruitment process

Employers should be aware of some key watch points when recruiting staff to avoid discriminating or facing potential claims.

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Insights 22 May 2015

Employers – How with whistleblowing

Whistle blowing is an important issue for employers and if you are an employer you should ensure you plan for, and deal effectively with, this issue t...

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Insights 18 May 2015

Divorce settlements in court may result in one party feeling let down

Two recent news stories highlighting the different perceptions of what constitutes a fair divorce settlement in court, reinforce the benefits of choos...

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Insights 5 May 2015

Landlords – disabled tenants have greater protection from eviction

The UK Supreme Court recently ruled in favour of a mentally disabled tenant living in temporary accommodation and allowed him to stay in his rented pr...

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Insights 23 April 2015

Sequestration forced after father defaults on Minute of Agreement payments

A recent case where a wife sequestrated her husband in relation to non-payment of child maintenance and spousal aliment highlights the importance of s...

Read article about Sequestration forced after father defaults on Minute of Agreement payments

Insights 21 April 2015

Employer not found liable for stress in the workplace

The High Court found that an employer was not liable for psychiatric illness caused to an employee by workplace stress.

Read article about Employer not found liable for stress in the workplace

Insights 7 April 2015

Lindsays Corporate team assists with COM DEV’s UK space ambitions

Lindsays Corporate and Technology team have recently (April 2015) assisted COM DEV International Limited in its acquisition of Newbridge based MESL Mi...

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Insights 20 March 2015

March is the true 'divorce month'

March could supersede the first Monday in January as being peak time for divorce. This could well be the case because although people might make sign...

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