Insights 9 September 2015

Tribunal fees in Scotland to be abolished

The Scottish Government has confirmed in its legislative programme for 2015/16 that it will abolish tribunal fees as an early policy priority but real...

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Insights 7 September 2015

The risks of low cost Wills

There are risks involved with using low-cost, potentially unregulated Will writing services, as the result may not accurately reflect the arrangements...

Read article about The risks of low cost Wills

Insights 28 August 2015

200 years of inventions and technology

Science and technology have not only played an important role in Scotland’s history, but also in Lindsays’ history and that continues today with our t...

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Insights 27 August 2015

How should employers deal with pre-existing medical conditions?

Employers face three main issues when an employee has failed to disclose a medical condition which is relevant to their employment – it is important t...

Read article about How should employers deal with pre-existing medical conditions?

Insights 24 August 2015

What if life on the farm doesn’t end happily ever after?

Divorce involving family farms can be complicated, and can threaten generations of stewardship. Prevention is always better than cure, and ring-fencing certain assets can help

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Insights 24 August 2015

Sheriff rules ‘advance rent payments are not a tenancy deposit’

In a recent case at Dundee Sheriff Court, Sheriff Drummond QC determined that an advance payment of rent by a tenant did not amount to a deposit.

Read article about Sheriff rules ‘advance rent payments are not a tenancy deposit’

Insights 13 August 2015

Looking out for your children

A Will can ensure that your choice of carer is selected for your children and provide for them financially if something was to happen to you. However,...

Read article about Looking out for your children

Insights 12 August 2015

Lindsays advises FanDuel on UK head office relocation

Lindsays provided commercial property legal advice to leading Scottish tech business, FanDuel, which has recently announced its UK head office relocat...

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Insights 11 August 2015

A sound social media policy is crucial for employers

Last week, the Employment Appeal Tribunal ruled that the dismissal of an employee for social media misconduct was fair, highlighting the importance of...

Read article about A sound social media policy is crucial for employers

Insights 6 August 2015

Social life after death

Facebook is introducing its “legacy contact” feature in the UK which allows users to appoint digital heirs to administer their page after they die.

Read article about Social life after death

Insights 5 August 2015

Sheriff Principal refuses a housing association tenant’s eviction appeal

The Sheriff Principal in a recent case confirmed that “compelling reasons” are required to appeal a decree for eviction and many cases relate to a ten...

Read article about Sheriff Principal refuses a housing association tenant’s eviction appeal

Insights 31 July 2015

Charitable status could put your sports club in a different league

Are you involved in a local rugby, tennis, golf, or other sports club? Your club may be eligible for tax reliefs or new sources of funding.

Read article about Charitable status could put your sports club in a different league