Insights 16 December 2015

Four top tips for employers to prosper this festive season

In the midst of the festive season many employees are enjoying Christmas parties and other work related social events – employers should note these ti...

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Insights 14 December 2015

Do we need a law to help us apologise?

Our Holyrood lawmakers are currently crafting a new law designed to make it easier to say ‘sorry’– the Apologies (Scotland) Bill.

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Insights 10 December 2015

Landlords should be cautious about using electronic signatures

Given the practical advantages of signing documents by “electronic signature” what are the risks for landlords and letting agents

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Insights 8 December 2015

The complexities of splitting pensions on divorce

Although most people do know that pensions are included in matrimonial assets to be divided on divorce, they remain a complex part of divorce law. The...

Read article about The complexities of splitting pensions on divorce

Insights 24 November 2015

When does a contract dispute become whistleblowing?

A recent ruling by the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Underwood v Wincanton has shone a light on the broadening definition of “public interest” protec...

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Insights 20 November 2015

Cool and collaborative, or contested and stressful?

Separation is never an easy decision or process, but there are ways of keeping it amicable and adult

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Insights 18 November 2015

What should you consider when divorcing later in life?

“Silver splitters” may have more to consider on divorce than younger couples. Pensions are a complex element of the assets to be split on divorce, and...

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Insights 10 November 2015

Significant UK Supreme Court ruling on interpretation of commercial contracts

The UK Supreme Court recently ruled on the interpretation of a lease that had potentially disastrous implications for the tenants. It was held that, d...

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Insights 23 October 2015

Can you discriminate against a company?

The Equality Act 2010 prevents discrimination by a person against another person, however what is the situation when it is a company complaining of di...

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Insights 20 October 2015

Supreme Court divorce ruling – there are consequences for concealing assets

The recent Supreme Court ruling in the cases of Mrs Gohil and Mrs Sharland is a landmark decision which demonstrates that dishonesty when agreeing a d...

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Insights 15 October 2015

The law dry? Not at all…

Over the last 200 years our lawyers have heard many fascinating stories as they have advised on and resolved a wide range of people’s life issues. He...

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Insights 5 October 2015

Can you combine work and grandchild care?

Yesterday was Grandparents Day in the UK. It would be no surprise if many of those grandparents were helping with grandchild care, though many of thos...

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