Insights 15 March 2016

The end of a marriage does not mean an end to being parents

Parenting apart - Separating parents who have the best outcomes for their children are those who can resolve differences without falling out, who focu...

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Insights 11 March 2016

Restructuring could be the route to survival for charities

As the public sector in Scotland grapples with financial pressures, the third sector must face the prospect of reduced funding and budgets. To maintai...

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Insights 8 March 2016

Wills are for everyone

Contrary to what many people think, making a Will is important and everyone should consider making one to ensure their wishes are carried out when the...

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Insights 26 February 2016

Divorce should focus on the future not on past faults

Proposed law changes in England and Wales have highlighted two important lessons for anyone going through a divorce, however, the law in Scotland is d...

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Insights 12 February 2016

What to do if someone dies

It is something that none of us wants to think about, but something we may well have to do one day: dealing with the practicalities when someone dies.

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Insights 11 February 2016

Recent European Court ruling is a reminder to employers about the importance of a clear IT policy

In the case of Barbulescu v Romania, the employers clear policy on personal messaging in the workplace resulted in a ruling by the European Court of H...

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Insights 10 February 2016

‘Wilfully blind’ or in need of better training?

Alastair Keatinge, Charity Law Partner discusses how improving charity governance means encouraging and empowering trustee boards and his article on t...

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Insights 29 January 2016

Try to stay in harmony when negotiating child support

Separating parents who agree child support arrangements themselves without resorting to the Child Maintenance Service can save significant sums.

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Insights 27 January 2016

Lindsays assists Capital for Colleagues with Scottish investment deal

Douglas Roberts, Partner in our Corporate team, is delighted to have helped investment client, Capital for Colleagues PLC, with its funding for Edinbu...

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Insights 22 January 2016

Listen now for employment law insights in TCMO’s podcast with Ben Doherty

Ben Doherty, our Head of Employment shares valuable advice for employers regarding key issues they may face in 2016 on the latest podcast from The Car...

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Insights 12 January 2016

Lindsays advice helps secure acquisition of Tyninghame Country Store

Our Corporate team advised Deborah Wakefield on her acquisition of Tyninghame Country Store Ltd.

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Insights 31 December 2015

Helping investors find the TV or telephone of the future

Scotland’s reputation for developing pioneering inventions is as strong as ever and prospects for investors remain attractive.

Read article about Helping investors find the TV or telephone of the future