Insights 2 June 2016

A reminder of the importance of arranging a Power of Attorney

There is no ‘right time’ to consider putting a Power of Attorney in place, but it is important to have such a document prepared

Read article about A reminder of the importance of arranging a Power of Attorney

Insights 25 May 2016

Charities should face current challenges together

In this difficult economic climate charity trustees should remember that help and advice are available.

Read article about Charities should face current challenges together

Insights 12 May 2016

Bonds of Caution - another reason to have a Will?

A Bond of Caution (pronounced ‘kayshun’) is type of insurance policy which executors are required to submit to obtain Confirmation on most estates the...

Read article about Bonds of Caution - another reason to have a Will?

Insights 5 May 2016

Help your family by having the right papers in the right places

Sorting through piles of paperwork is an unwelcome task for Executors – either because they cannot find key documents, or because there are mountains ...

Read article about Help your family by having the right papers in the right places

Insights 3 May 2016

A governance health check could help protect your charity’s reputation

To maintain your charities reputation these days relies on trustees, chairs and chief executives being aware of the risks they face and ensuring the o...

Read article about A governance health check could help protect your charity’s reputation

Insights 11 April 2016

What are the rules for gift giving and IHT?

Following recent revelations about the Prime Minister’s personal tax affairs and criticism that a financial gift from his mother amounts to tax avoida...

Read article about What are the rules for gift giving and IHT?

Insights 7 April 2016

How can the law protect someone facing domestic violence?

Domestic violence situations such as the current storyline in The Archers are all too common but support and protection are available, advises Jennife...

Read article about How can the law protect someone facing domestic violence?

Insights 4 April 2016

Business, marriage and the perils of unintended consequences

If you have a family firm, your business and matrimonial arrangements may be more entwined than you think. Some business decisions may need to be checked by a family lawyer

Read article about Business, marriage and the perils of unintended consequences

Insights 29 March 2016

Guardianships – for who, when and how?

In 2015 there were over 9,300 welfare guardians in Scotland and the number of applications is increasing every year. What does guardianship mean and when are they needed?

Read article about Guardianships – for who, when and how?

Insights 21 March 2016

Dealing with digital profiles after death

Digital profiles and the issues of how to deal with them after death can be a difficult prospect for family members and loved ones. They will often h...

Read article about Dealing with digital profiles after death

Insights 18 March 2016

How do you split a field four ways?

Under proposed new Scottish succession laws, it may no longer be possible to pass on a farm or estate intact. What can farmers or landowners do?

Read article about How do you split a field four ways?

Insights 16 March 2016

New guidance on avoiding unlawful discrimination in adverts

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has issued guidance on avoiding discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 in job adverts.

Read article about New guidance on avoiding unlawful discrimination in adverts