Insights 25 November 2016

The changing face of the family unit

Married, unmarried, same-sex, single – your friends may not judge your relationship status, but there could be legal implications for different family set-ups

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Insights 25 November 2016

Charities may be unaware of the risks they face for gaps in property compliance

Many charities are unaware of their obligations in relation to property they own or use and as a result, are risking their financial health and reputa...

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Insights 17 November 2016

Disputes over Wills needn’t turn into fights

Disputes over Wills and succession are increasingly common but following some simple recommendations can avoid the issue escalating

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Insights 11 November 2016

Separated parents should take Judges strongly worded advice for contact arrangements

A recent, very difficult, case in the Court of Session has underlined the duty of separated parents to put aside their past differences for the sake of their children

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Insights 10 November 2016

Charity incorporation - What are the pros and cons?

New rules on the process for incorporation of an existing charity may add to the workload for charities. But it’s important this doesn’t skew the deci...

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Insights 2 November 2016

The prospect of relocating can raise serious dilemmas for separated parents

The offer of a new job in the sun can raise difficult questions about your family’s residence and access arrangements

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Insights 1 November 2016

New succession rules affect existing Wills

The first significant amendments to Scottish succession law in over 50 years, which take effect today (1 November 2016), are long overdue and brings ...

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Insights 21 October 2016

Grant Johnson suggests four things to do before you retire – or sooner!

The lead-up to retirement is a good time to put your paperwork in order. Even if you’re not at this stage of life, it’s never too early or late to pro...

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Insights 14 October 2016

Business owners can avoid risks by putting Powers of Attorney in place

Many people assume that Powers of Attorney (PoAs) are relevant only for people’s personal affairs. In fact, they are important to small business owner...

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Insights 13 October 2016

Landlords and tenants should beware of the pitfalls of Airbnb short term lets

A rapidly increasing number of people are renting out their property on websites such as Airbnb but home owners and their tenants should be aware of t...

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Insights 7 October 2016

Family courts dealing with the real life version of The Archers storyline face specific concerns

When parents separate, an outcome in the best interests of the children is the paramount consideration if the case comes to the family courts. However...

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Insights 22 September 2016

Gender pay gap reporting requirements set to come into force

Final details of the new reporting regulations for gender pay are expected imminently. Employers should check whether they are affected, and what they need to do

Read article about Gender pay gap reporting requirements set to come into force