Insights 20 March 2017

Civil partnership for heterosexual couples?

It’s important that couples understand the differences between marriage, civil partnership or living together when making decisions about their relationship

Read article about Civil partnership for heterosexual couples?

Insights 17 March 2017

Redundancy can be discrimination following a return from maternity leave

The EAT finds that redundancy after a woman’s return to work following maternity leave is indirect discrimination

Read article about Redundancy can be discrimination following a return from maternity leave

Insights 14 March 2017

What are the benefits of an option agreement in a land purchase?

When a developer makes an agreed payment to a landowner for property they are granted a contractually binding first option to purchase

Read article about What are the benefits of an option agreement in a land purchase?

Insights 10 March 2017

Trustees shouldn’t leave fundraising to the fundraisers

With charity fundraising under scrutiny, charities may want to avoid anything too hair-raising. What do trustees and volunteers need to know?

Read article about Trustees shouldn’t leave fundraising to the fundraisers

Insights 24 February 2017

Would you let a stranger run your family business?

In family businesses, issues such as succession and relationships can determine the future of the business as much as profit and loss

Read article about Would you let a stranger run your family business?

Insights 17 February 2017

Collateral warranties – What do they do and when are they required?

Collateral warranties create a contractual link between third parties involved in a construction project

Read article about Collateral warranties – What do they do and when are they required?

Insights 27 January 2017

Gross negligence by an employee results in a fair dismissal

A recent English case highlights the importance for employers to be able to demonstrate a reasoned analysis behind any sanction imposed on employees

Read article about Gross negligence by an employee results in a fair dismissal

Insights 19 January 2017

Can you be forced to sell your home as a result of separation or divorce?

When a relationship ends there may be concerns about being forced out of the family home, but there is some protection in place for separating couples

Read article about Can you be forced to sell your home as a result of separation or divorce?

Insights 5 January 2017

Personal injury payouts and the ticking clock

A Personal Injury trust may have substantial benefits if you receive a lump sum. But there’s a tight time limit if you want to maximise the advantages

Read article about Personal injury payouts and the ticking clock

Insights 16 December 2016

Football abuse crisis offers learning points for entire third sector

The ramifications of media stories about abuse in youth football go far beyond the beautiful game. Sports clubs and other not-for-profit organisations...

Read article about Football abuse crisis offers learning points for entire third sector

Insights 15 December 2016

Free Will:  Is it worth the risk of making provision for your loved ones on a budget?

The financial saving of opting for a low-cost Will could be negated if your intentions are not correctly recorded, leaving your family in dispute and ...

Read article about Free Will: Is it worth the risk of making provision for your loved ones on a budget?

Insights 9 December 2016

The gift of giving tax efficiently this Christmas

With Christmas just about upon us it is worth considering whether the financial gifts you are intending to make, large or small, are effective for Inheritance Tax purposes

Read article about The gift of giving tax efficiently this Christmas