Insights 11 January 2018

GDPR - how can you ensure your marketing activity complies?

If your business engages in marketing activity the new data protection rules mean you should check your actions are compliant

Read article about GDPR - how can you ensure your marketing activity complies?

Insights 10 January 2018

Common mistakes made by employers when handling disciplinary hearings

When handling a disciplinary, there are some key steps an employer can take to minimise the risk of successful unfair dismissal claims by former employees

Read article about Common mistakes made by employers when handling disciplinary hearings

Insights 8 January 2018

Family lawyers are not just for January

If you are considering separation or divorce the sooner you contact a family lawyer the more informed you will be about the options available to you

Read article about Family lawyers are not just for January

Insights 19 December 2017

What are the benefits of the new residential nil-rate band?

A new inheritance tax (IHT) allowance increases the value of assets that people can pass on IHT-free

Read article about What are the benefits of the new residential nil-rate band?

Insights 27 November 2017

There’s a Simple Procedure for dealing with commercial debt recovery

Simple Procedure was introduced in November 2016 to offer faster and more accessible justice for business disputes including debt recovery actions

Read article about There’s a Simple Procedure for dealing with commercial debt recovery

Insights 24 November 2017

Peace and goodwill at Christmas?

If you are separated parents, planning in advance and communicating with each other and your children will help everyone enjoy the festive season

Read article about Peace and goodwill at Christmas?

Insights 10 November 2017

How should an employer handle workplace harassment allegations?

With historic harassment allegations prominent in the media, employers should be aware of the steps they can take to ensure allegations are handled appropriately

Read article about How should an employer handle workplace harassment allegations?

Insights 7 November 2017

What do you need to know about personal injury trusts?

If you receive a lump sum payment due to an injury, setting up a trust is an option to consider

Read article about What do you need to know about personal injury trusts?

Insights 3 November 2017

Contracts of employment – should they be written or verbal?

There is no legal requirement to provide a written employment contract, it can be verbal or even a mixture of the two, but is there a best practice?

Read article about Contracts of employment – should they be written or verbal?

Insights 16 October 2017

Understanding Legal Rights

When you die, your spouse and your children will automatically be entitled to a share of your estate regardless of whether or not you have a Will

Read article about Understanding Legal Rights

Insights 20 September 2017

You’ve received inheritance, now what?

If you inherit it may be tempting to purchase extravagantly, however there are some key things you could consider to make the most of your windfall

Read article about You’ve received inheritance, now what?

Insights 30 August 2017

Money and maintenance: two different approaches by Rachel Roberts

We are delighted to feature an article from Rachel Roberts, Managing Partner at Stowe Family Law, on spousal maintenance following a relationship breakdown

Read article about Money and maintenance: two different approaches by Rachel Roberts