Insights 1 September 2021

Eilish reflects on the highs and lows of her Tokyo experience

The Tokyo Olympics 2020 may have brought challenges and disappointments but Eilish shares her pride in her achievements and reveals her future goals

Read article about Eilish reflects on the highs and lows of her Tokyo experience

Insights 13 August 2021

Funeral costs, wishes, and what happens when nobody knows your wishes

People may not want to think about planning for their own funeral but preparing can help ensure your wishes are followed and reduce costs left for your loved ones

Read article about Funeral costs, wishes, and what happens when nobody knows your wishes

Insights 28 July 2021

Case review: Whaling Fraud - Who’s on the hook?

The Court of Session’s decision highlights why businesses shouldn’t look to play the ‘blame game’ when things go wrong

Read article about Case review: Whaling Fraud - Who’s on the hook?

Insights 7 July 2021

How can executors manage a situation where beneficiaries are missing?

The number of unclaimed estates in Scotland is higher than ever – an executors’ role includes distribution to beneficiaries which is not always straightforward

Read article about How can executors manage a situation where beneficiaries are missing?

Insights 1 July 2021

Court accepts informal form of notice for commercial lease in recent tacit relocation case

Commercial landlords and tenants should note from this decision that if either party wishes to end a lease it’s advisable for written notice to be sen...

Read article about Court accepts informal form of notice for commercial lease in recent tacit relocation case

Insights 23 June 2021

What to consider when buying land for forestry

A purchaser of forestry can avoid unwelcome issues when it comes to realising the investment by fully investigating the following key areas at the outset

Read article about What to consider when buying land for forestry

Insights 11 June 2021

Employers risk criminal and civil penalties if they commit furlough fraud

The Government is cracking down on employers who are erroneously or fraudulently claiming money from the furlough scheme

Read article about Employers risk criminal and civil penalties if they commit furlough fraud

Insights 7 June 2021

Telecoms Code appeal decision may prompt operators' requests for lease changes

The Court of Session's appeal decision on renegotiating telecoms leases may lead to more requests from telecoms operators for site providers to agree ...

Read article about Telecoms Code appeal decision may prompt operators' requests for lease changes

Insights 28 May 2021

The new Scots law of defamation in 2021

On 21 April 2021 the old common law of defamation in Scotland was replaced by the Defamation and Malicious Publication (Scotland) Act 2021 bringing th...

Read article about The new Scots law of defamation in 2021

Insights 8 April 2021

Tying the knot again? Think about these simple steps

If you’re remarrying, there are legal and financial planning issues you may want to look at – to protect family harmony and financial security

Read article about Tying the knot again? Think about these simple steps

Insights 8 April 2021

Co-parenting: get set for the new normal

As lockdown exit gathers pace, separated and divorced parents will once again have to adapt their co-parenting arrangements

Read article about Co-parenting: get set for the new normal